If you would like your program, scholarship, internship, or fellowship to appear on this page, please email us at


Guide for Student Learning Plan (SLP)

Click here to access the English version. Need this guide in another language? Click here

Contact if you have questions. 

Elementary School Students

Baltimore School for the Arts TWIGS

MICA Young People's Studios (YPS)

Art Classes including design. If you can not afford these classes, please apply for the YPS Scholarship.

Middle School Students

Baltimore School for the Arts TWIGS

Baltimore School for the Arts Auditions for H.S. (For current 8th graders)

 If you have not received your instructions, need a Spanish copy, or have any questions please email:

Modell Lyric Theatre & Drama Program

MICA Young People's Studios (YPS)

Art Classes including design. If you can not afford these classes, please apply for the YPS Scholarship.

UMB CURE Scholars Program 

The UMB Cure Scholars Program for 6th graders in Baltimore City. Students must attend Franklin Square Elementary and Middle School, Green Street Academy, or Southwest Baltimore Charter School. Students received science training to prepare them for a career in medicine, pharmaceuticals or social work.

USU Science, Service, Mentoring & Medicine -S 2MS Jr. Externships

The mission of S2MS is to encourage and nurture a commitment to service and medicine in a welcoming and intellectually stimulating environment for a diverse population of middle and high school students, in order to cultivate the next generation of highly skilled and culturally competent, physicians, scientists and health care professionals. This program is for rising 7th, 8th and 9th graders.

High School Students

Baltimore City Public School High School Choice


Phone: 410.396.8600

Walk-In Hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

Click here for more information.

Corps and MCC SYO One-Pager.pdf

Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps (Corps) 

Deadline: March 6th 2025

The Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps Program places new professionals ages 18-25 with nonprofit and government agencies for a one-year term of full-time stipend-supported ($33,280) service. The Trust anticipates placing about 50 Corps Members who will engage in a wide range of activities in the fields of climate change, environmental restoration, environmental education, forestry, sustainable agriculture, energy conservation, and community engagement. 

A full list of available host sites and a description of the activities each host site is offering a potential Corps Member can be found at:

Maryland Climate Corps (MCC-SYO) | Deadline: March 6th 2025

The Maryland Climate Corps Program places new professionals who have graduated from a Maryland High School within the last 3 years with nonprofit, government, and for-profit entities for a 9.5 month term of full-time stipend-supported service (equivalent to $15 per hour). The Trust anticipates placing a minimum of 40 MCC-SYO Fellows who will engage in a wide range of activities in the fields of climate change, environmental restoration, environmental education, forestry, sustainable agriculture, energy conservation, and community engagement. A full list of available host sites and a description of the activities each host site is offering a potential MCC-SYO Fellow can be found at:


We are also providing an information session to share details about the programs, outline the application process, and answer questions from potential applicants. The info session for these programs will occur on Wednesday, February 5th with information about the Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps shared at 4pm and information about the Maryland Climate Corps shared at 4:45pm. Those interested in either session can register at this link.


For any questions about the Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps please contact Hayley Rost ( with any questions about the Maryland Climate Corps please contact Jaren Baluyot (