
PCAB Public Meeting Agenda

Thursday, May 16, 2024 | 6:30 pm

Join the meeting directly in Zoom.

I. Welcome and Introductions 6:30 PM

Angie Winder, PCAB Chair

II. Conversation with the CEO 6:35 PM

Special Guest: Dr. Sonja Santelises – Baltimore City Public Schools

*NOTE: Questions from parents and community members were submitted to her office.

III. PCAB Updates 7:45 PM

Jayson Green, PCAB Vice Chair

IV. General Announcements 7:55 PM

V. Adjournment 8:00 PM


The State of City Schools:

School District’s Role in Individual School Funding & Organizational Support:

Digital Equity:

Chronic Absenteeism and Enrollment:


Teachers / PSRP: