PCAB Special Public Session

Join Arts Every Day Parent Fellows, Ysem Brown & Kadija Hart and the Parent and Community Advisory Board to learn more about how we can improve equitable access to scholarship opportunities, careers, and college programs in the arts for City School students. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

6:30-8pm via Zoom

Zoom link: https://bcps-k12-md-us.zoom.us/j/83409617217?pwd=SE55NkVTR0gvbW5ENjNpb0lxMUxWUT09

Meeting ID: 834 0961 7217

Passcode: 249149

Did you know that every student in the state of Maryland has a right to an arts education?

Maryland Regulation (COMAR 13A.014) requires that school systems in Maryland provide K-12 students with classes and experiences in dance, media arts, music, theatre and visual arts, but only some schools meet these requirements.

Despite an increase in the hiring of certified arts teachers, middle school students in the District still overwhelmingly miss the opportunity to SPECIALIZE in any arts preparation courses for high school and beyond. 

Although BCPSS is a choice-based district that allows students to attend whichever school they’d like no matter where they live in the city….not every student is eligible to attend every school because of equity issues.  ‘Entrance Criteria’ schools base admissions on attendance, grade point average (G.P.A.), standardized test scores, and other measures of ability. In addition, because BCPSS does not offer dedicated bussing, students are often limited to schools accessible by public transportation. 

Many BCPSS high schools only have the bare minimum amount of art classes for students to pass high school. This DENIES students interested in the arts a clear pathway to college and career readiness.

Bring your questions and testimonies about the District’s middle and high school fine arts landscape.

For questions about this event, please contact Sheena Morrison at Sheena@artseveryday.org